This past Sunday night was a historic moment in the life of our church.  At an exhilarating Members Meeting, Pastor Mike Candy was overwhelmingly voted in as the next Lead Pastor at FCC. The service ended with the entire body gathering around Mike and Joanna, and Marian and I, to pray over us and our futures. It was awesome.
What does this mean for Pastor Mike, Pastor Mark, and other Pastors?
This will very much impact 3 of our pastors, in particular (Mike, Mark and Ben).
Pastor Mark will be retiring from his role as Lead Pastor  in later October. Between now and then, Mike will be preparing to take on the role of Lead Pastor, overseeing the whole FCC ministry.  Ben will also see his role transition.  In October, he  will be directing the preaching ministry on Sundays, preaching more than other pastors, and coordinating the team of preachers.  During this time (June into October), Mark will be working with both guys to support them as they prepare for their new roles.
What is next?
First of all, let’s  take time to rejoice and glory in God.  Sunday night was one of the most consequential nights in the history of our church! The Succession Team (Bob Dorsey, Doug Lindow, Dennis Chachko, Jon Sharp, and Scott Parker) did an incredible job as they led us through this process of over 2 years.  The other Deacons (Chris Bitting, Randy Pittman, Rich Long, Dave Meyers, Mark Walton, DJ Wright and Sid Roberts) joined the Succession team in affirming God’s plan and then led our membership into calling Mike as Lead Pastor. I thank God for these men.
Then, let’s be praying.   There is lots of planning and praying to be done. Here are some things to pray about:
  1. Pray for our pastors as Mike leads us in developing a plan for what everyone’s role will be in the months to come.
  2. Pray for JR Briggs as our consultant gives guidance and counsel in that process
  3. Pray for the pastors and deacons (our church board) as the church launches out into a new era; for unity and wisdom.
  4. Pray for God’s protection and blessing for our church. Unity is hateful to the Enemy. Doug Lindow spoke so beautifully about the gift and importance of unity at the meeting Sunday night. The Lord has showered us with mercy in the amazing unity surrounding this call of our next Lead Pastor. But, any change can be unsettling.  Change is a time of potential turmoil or amazing growth. I’m believing God for the latter!
The best years are ahead!!!!
Pastor Mark