Join the Newsletter
Each week pastor Mike sends out a devotional thought and some current ways to connect into the life of the church. There are also regular Men's and Women's ministry emails that are the best way to stay connected with life here at Fellowship.
Stay Connected. Simply
he Church Center App: You may have heard us mention the Church Center app. Well, here's what it is and how it will help you.
When you download the app to your phone, you get the easiest access to registration for events, checking in yourself and your family, simple giving, access to your community group (which even includes group messaging) or even finding a new one, plus a full calendar view of everything coming up at Fellowship. And of course, there are direct links to the things you need most, like the live-stream, kid's activities and sermon notes.
A Free Gift For You
We have partnered with RightNow Media to give you a complementary subscription to their entire online video library, free of charge. There are well over 14,00 videos and that number is growing every year. Think of it as Netflix for churches, packed with hundreds of high-quality Bible studies from authors like Francis Chan, Andy Stanley and Dave Ramsey, as well as Bible-based movies and tons of other videos (both new and, er.... throwback) for kids. Best of all, it's absolutely FREE to those who are a part of the Fellowship Community Church family.