Seminars at Fellowship

Large gathering, deep-dive teaching on specific topics.

The Bible's Big Picture

Understanding God's Story and Your Role in it. Taught by Pastor Emeritus Mark Willey.

Your Marriage & Family Matters

Dr David Merkh and his wife, Carol Sue have given their lives to helping couples with their marriages and parents with their children. They bring a specifically Bible centered teaching on marriage and family.

The Torah: What is the Story?

Have you ever wondered about all the strange stories in the first 5 books of the Bible? This seminar will address these questions and more as we walk through the story presented in the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy). Most importantly, we will consider how Jesus is the goal (fulfillment) of the Torah.

AWE Seminar

In the face of a world that is often a life of ANXIETY, STRESS and ANGER, God wants to awe us with Himself as his primary method of shaping us as his children.

Can I Trust the Bible?

Explore and answer key questions about the trustworthiness of the Bible.

Digging into the Psalms for Yourself

Pastor Mark leads a seminar on using the different parts of the psalms to express yourself to God.

Thinking Like a Christian 2022

Think about the questions we face today from a uniquely Christian perspective.