Common Life Book: We Would See Jesus

February 22, 2019 8:24 PM

On April 21, 2019, we will celebrate together with people all over the globe, the most significant moment in the Christian calendar - Easter Sunday! This book is written in preparation and celebration of that day.

As the Common Life Book team thought about how to make much of this time as a church, we did so with a particular phrase in mind. In John 12:21 a group of worshippers came to the disciple Philip and simply requested, “Sir, we want to see Jesus.”

We take this sacred time together to see him. To do so we have written reflections on the “Passion” week, which is the time period in the Gospels from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. Almost half of all the text of the Gospels is written about this one-week period.

The purpose of these readings is not to give you a complete “devotional”. It is to provide reflections as triggers for you to ponder Christ throughout your day. As you read, ask questions like “what would that experience have been like for Jesus?” or “What would it be like to actually see, smell, hear, feel these events?” In this way, we journey with Christ towards Easter.
We, as a church family, set apart these seven weeks together to simply say “We would see Jesus”.