Fellowship KIDS May 9

May 5, 2021 8:08 PM
Happy Mother's Day! We hope you'll consider coming back to in-person worship and to 9 AM kids programs soon! In the meantime, we invite you to access all the materials kids in classes in the building are learning.

Let's Start With Worship!!!

It's so good to worship the Lord together. Here are songs we have used at FCC to draw our hearts to Jesus and praise Him for His love for us - every day!

Worship Video 1

Worship Video 2

And remember to check out these two videos too,
">here and


May 9, 2021

As you come to learn about God today, get out your Bibles and read together. Then watch these Kid videos below. Bible video 1 is most appropriate for 4 year olds through 1st grade. Bible video 2 is geared for 2nd-5th graders.




For Preschoolers through 1st grade: 1. Watch Bible video 1 above. 2. We've moved out of the Old Testament and into the New Testament in our walk through the Bible this year. Here Jesus is being baptized by a man we call John the Baptist! After you watch the video - describe John - he looks and does some things that may seem strange to us! 3. What was John's job? 4. Why didn't John want to baptize Jesus? 5. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? What did the people hear and see? 6.  Have you ever done or said anything wrong that you want to admit and get forgiveness for? God forgives us for all the bad things we have done. Stand and shout a praise to Him today! 7. Print out the activity sheets and complete them. Remember, God forgives us when we sin. If we turn from our sin and praise and love Jesus, God is so happy!

For 2nd-5th graders:

1. We've moved from the Old Testament to the New Testament in our study of the Bible this year. You can find this Bible story in the New Testament in the gospel book of Matthew 3:13-17. Locate it in your Bibles and read the account of Jesus being baptized. Watch video 2. 2.Today we see Jesus being baptized by a man we call John the Baptist.  What was John like and what was his job? 3. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? Why was it important that the people "heard God's voice?" 4. KEY POINT: Just as God was pleased with Jesus when he was baptized, God loves us. He is pleased when we turn away from doing what is wrong. What do you need forgiveness for? 5. What did you learn about God from that story? 5. Continue the conversation at home this week.  Pray with your child each day, asking God to help him or her remember the truth that God forgives us when we do wrong. Memory verse: "Repent and turn back so that your sins may be erased." -- Acts 3:19

Each Tuesday we read the same Bible story to Preschoolers on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at fcc_kidmin.

Activity and Coloring: Jesus is Baptized