Fellowship KIDS April 4 - Easter Sunday

April 1, 2021 8:39 PM

Let's Start With Worship!!!

It's so good to worship the Lord together. Here are songs we have used at FCC to draw our hearts to Jesus and praise Him for His love for us - every day!

Worship Video 1

Worship Video 2

And remember to check out these two videos too,
">here and



April 4, 2021

As you come to learn about God today, get out your Bibles and read together. Then watch these Kid videos below. Bible video 1 is most appropriate for 4 year olds through 1st grade. Bible video 2 is geared for 2nd-5th graders.


All grades - Easter Sunday Jesus' Death and Resurrection 1. Watch the Bible videos above.  Why do we celebrate Easter? 2. What did Jesus do on Friday? The Bible says He gave his life up because he loves us. 3. Can you think of something you did this week that was wrong or unkind or completely selfish? The Bible calls this sin. Did you know Jesus died to take your punishment for these sins? 4. What happened on Sunday morning? Who saw Jesus at the empty tomb? 5. If Jesus is alive, then we worship a living God! A living God keeps all his promises. Can you think of a promise Jesus made? 6. Some people doubted that Jesus really rose from the dead. But his disciples saw him many times after that Sunday and before He went back to live with God in heaven. What is it called when someone sees with their own eyes? How does this help us know that Jesus was really dead, but came alive again? 7. Print out the activity sheets and complete them. Have fun praising Jesus this week as you celebrate Jesus' resurrection!

FCC kids' Pinterest account name is FellowshipKids - Most weeks new craft ideas are posted which go along with our Bible stories. Check it out!

Each Tuesday we read the same Bible story to Preschoolers on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at fcc_kidmin.

Activity and Coloring: Easter Sunday activities