Mark's Last Musings
October 28, 2024 11:17 AM
In 1985, Bob Woertz, a carpenter with Marland Construction made a set of bookshelves from poplar wood. They were for my first office in our new FCC gym.. Two walls of 7 foot high book shelves. When I moved to our worship center building in 2000, the bookshelves made the trip with me. This week they moved to my home. A much smaller office, but those shelves, were squeezed in, as lifelong friends and companions. .
Yesterday, my fish tank and desk came home. Wall hangings, pictures, curios from other countries, old notebooks of sermons, spiral journals, and boxes of 4x6 cards filled with memory verses and prayer cards. Friends and companions.
This morning, I thank God for so many, many people that have marked my life at FCC. Many of you are lifelong friends. Some of you have moved away from South Jersey, but still stay connected to us. I am grateful to God for the joy and honor of serving as your Pastor for these years. I cannot imagine a community of believers that have exhibited comparable grace, patience, support, and friendship to a Pastor and wife, as you have to Marian and I.
This is my last "Musings from Pastor Mark." It has been a way to keep in contact with our church family as your Lead Pastor. This Sunday is my last Sunday in that role, and my last sermon preached in that role. I am overjoyed with the way God has blessed our church in calling Mike Candy to be our next Lead Pastor. Mike and the team of FCC Pastors and lay board members bring a united team to lead this body into a beautiful future.
Marian and I had lunch yesterday with a local pastor and wife of a consequential church in our area. They are dear friends to us. He is familiar with God’s leading in our church’s Succession process. He said to me, “All of us are working hard to raise up pastors in our churches, but FCC is the model. We all hope to see God do among us what He has done at FCC when we get to the moment of stepping down.” It was a humbling and encouraging moment to me. Glory to God.
The best days are ahead.
Living in Awe