
February 17, 2016 12:00 AM
​A few years ago Roger Clemens famously created a new word in describing the testimony of a fellow pitcher for the NY Yankees.  He said Andy Pettit “misremembered” the facts of their conversation.  While not too good on the vocabulary side, it gets high marks for creativity.We all tend to misremember things. Sadly, God’s people have always struggled with that.  The Israelites’ ingratitude to God  in the wilderness was heightened by not accurately remembering life in Egypt. They grumbled about the good old days of “the land of Egypt, when we sat by the meat pots and ate bread to the full, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.”  (Exodus 16:2,3)  Creatively, they forgot the part of being SLAVES… working 24/7, no weekends, no days off, lives of drudgery, hopelessness and humiliation!!  The great wilderness sin was a spirit of ingratitude, and its expression thru grumbling.  Intentional praise and thanksgiving is the only antidote.  It  enables us to not misremember and embellish the past, because we are living contentedly in the present.
Intentional praise and thanksgiving is the only antidote.
Mark Willey