Something Bigger Than Salvation?

March 25, 2024
There's more going on than the Trinity. There's the involvement of God's people in the Trinity, Father, Son, Spirit. Our role in the story of grace is also included in this passage. The reason we are given the scripture, the reason why we are sent the Holy Spirit, Is there something bigger than just salvation? There's something bigger than just understanding and being brought, into a clean relationship with God. There is deep communion, the very purpose for which the scripture, the spirit, and salvation have happened. -


Pastor Ben Willey Excerpt taken from "The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Story of Grace"

Video Transcript:

the Christian life happens by the Spirit's work in us. We've talked about in this giant sentence, Ephesians 1, 3 14, God as the architect, God the Father as the architect, God the Son as the agent, and God the Spirit as the applier of this gospel work. We cannot live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit.

I, let me say that simpler. There is no Christian life without the Holy Spirit. Our relationship with the Spirit is crucial for our relationship With god our church tradition falls in line. There's lots of different church traditions in church history Our church tradition we have Would be called the word centered tradition as in we're really really big on the bible.

It's on our sign out there We spend At least half of our worship services talking about the bible Most of the programs that we do as a church Include teaching the bible. We are big bible people. We are from the word centered tradition. We want to take seriously That God wrote a book and he gave it to us to understand that is a beautiful thing about our faith tradition in following What the bible teaches?

We must take the real tangible And beautiful relationship with the holy spirit Seriously in james. It says oh you believe in god. That's cool. So do demons Belief and cognitive understanding of God is, is not what the Bible itself is after. The Bible itself is pointing towards communion.

A. W. Tozer writes this, sound Bible exposition, there's no way you can read that. Can you read that? You can? You're all lying. You're like, Oh yeah, I can read that. But my wife couldn't read that, but I could read that. I'll read it to you just in case. Sound Bible exposition. is an imperative must in the church of the living God.

Amen. Without it, no church can be a New Testament church in any strict meaning of that term, but exposition may be carried on in such a way as to leave the hearers devoid of any spiritual nourishment, whatever, for it is not mere words that nourish the soul. Hear this church, but God himself and unless and until the hearers find God in personal experience, they are not the better for having heard the truth.

You cannot say. What I wanna do is honor the Bible. What I wanna do is learn the Bible. What I want to do is be all about the Bible and have that be the end of the sentence. Why? What we want to do is is to honor God, and in that process, we realize he speaks to us through his word in the process. We are.

Our main focus is to understand. This miraculous dance of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and how we have in His grace and power in the architect of the Father, the agency of the Son and the application of the Spirit are included in that the scripture points us to a reality. It is not the reality itself. If you want to look at a point to what we're talking about today, the point to the passage as we looked at the father and son.

Today we look at the spirit simply. Get to know the Holy Spirit in your life because he is real. He really does talk. He really is personal and available

and a little bit wild. He doesn't always conform to what we think he would do or doesn't always speak the way we think he should or when we should but to follow the spirit of to to follow the Christian message. There is no other way but through the Spirit of God. Amen.

Lastly, don't worry, you're not leaving yet. I know you're like, lastly, oh yes. I see you, Matt. I'm just kidding, I saw you walk in earlier.

The trinity includes his people in the dance. There are more pronouns in the text. If you flash up the image that we had of Parsing out some of these personal pronouns. We've got Christ, Holy Spirit, and the Father, but there's more pronouns. Go ahead to the next slide. Thank you. There's more arrows, lots of arrows.

Aren't you glad we didn't do all three through 14 at one time? All these other arrows in him, you, Ospel, the gospel of your salvation, our inheritance, we acquire possession of it. There's more going on than the Trinity. There's the involvement of God's people in the Trinity, Father, Son, Spirit. Our role in the story of grace is also included in this passage.

The reason we are given the scripture, the reason why we are sent the Holy Spirit, Is there something bigger than just salvation? There's something bigger than just understanding and being brought, into a clean relationship with God. There is deep communion, the very purpose for which the scripture, the spirit, and salvation have happened.