Generous Finances

Equipping the body for radical generosity

Money, and the lack of it, affects every aspect of our world: where we live, what we eat, how we work, our relationships, our spiritual lives, and the list goes on. We are taught about money, explicitly or by example, through our families, our friends, our community, our culture, and possibly in our schools. But what are we learning? And does it line up with what does God tells us about it? Does he even have anything to say on the issue?

We believe in equipping and encouraging the body to practice generosity, a core value of the early church, by releasing them from financial bondage and teaching contentment and biblical money management principles. To do so, we run two classes: one that emphasizes Practical Principles to biblically manage our money, while the other emphasizes Generosity Principles.

Practical Principles

to manage finances biblically.

FCC uses the Financial Peace University curriculum to teach Practical Principles to biblically manage money. “FPU” speaks on the subjects of saving, giving, spending, investing, and debt. We believe that the concepts and skills taught in the class align with Biblical principles, while realizing that they are not a substitute for God’s word and Spirit. We also encourage everyone to filter all teaching (financial or otherwise) through the lens of Scripture.

Financial Peace is a 9-week, video-based course, which typically meets in the evening, either in one of our church buildings or in a home. We usually run one session in January.  Only one membership is necessary per household.

If you’ve already taken FPU before you may retake the class for free!

Generosity Principles

to take hold of the life that is truly life.

To teach Generosity Principles, we read a generosity-themed book together. This class is usually part book-study, part video lesson, and part discussion. We dive deeper into what generosity looks like and what part it plays in the Christian life.  We read the assigned chapters from The Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn (or another book). Then, we meet together to watch the accompanying Right Now Media video lessons, followed by a group discussion.

Alcorn brings to our attention different ways to think about what it means to be generous. We may also read from other authors who offer challenging, but hopeful, insights into generosity.

Meet the Leaders

Ben & Melissa Panter

The Panters have experienced personal transformation through the Financial Peace program and gained a deep passion for encouraging others to pursue lives of generousity.