We have many small groups where you can plug in and get connected to others at the same life stage, whether that's just married, or with younger kids. And there are also larger events where you might come and meet new couples. We are seeking together to be a community that helps people belong, believe and become together. We'd love to have you join us!
What to Expect
Young marrieds meet on Wednesday nights throughout the school year in the church gym. An optional dinner is served at 6pm for $5 per adult and kids eat for free! Everyone eats in the gym together before free childcare begins at 6:40 (kids 10 and under). We then go to our individual community groups, which are led by a mentor couple, for a time of discussion, learning, and encouragement. You can sign up for a group by visiting the link below.
Wednesday Schedule:
- 6:00pm meet for a buffet dinner ($5 per adult, kids eat free). The dinner is optional.
- 6:40pm kids are dismissed and all of the groups are together for a brief general session
- 6:50pm we all go to our individual community groups for discussion, encouragement and supporting each other
- 8:00pm pick up kids from child care (child care is free).